Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What Causes Weight Gain After Pregnancy?

Weight gain after pregnancy is pretty normal. If you have been noticing your weight has increased even when you have already given birth to your baby, don't fret too much. Chances are, your body is still unstable at this point and it is still adjusting with this stage.

Your body needs at least 2 months to fully recover. It depends from one someone to other because there are lucky women out there who have exquisite body conditions that are able to get rid of extra flabs in no time.

Pregnancy Pillows

But tantalizing on, here are some of the main reasons why there is weight gain after pregnancy:

What Causes Weight Gain After Pregnancy?

Hormonal Imbalance
To this point, I am not sure if I like hormones or not-but oh, it is the hormones speaking. An imbalance in hormone yield evokes emotional distress. It can cause mood swings and in severe instances, post partum depression. During these times, women can't help but turn to other things for relax and those "other things" contain food.

What Causes Weight Gain After Pregnancy?

There is one potential cure to this though and that is an active lifestyle. Exercising de facto helps your body produce hormones normally. On top of that, it produces a hormone called dopamine and endorphin. These hormones are responsible for manufacture us feel great inside. After exercising, consideration that you de facto feel good about yourself not only because you have done your part but also because "happy hormones" are being produced at this point.

Pregnancy Pillows

Lack of sleep
You would be surprised of how much coffee you are drinking or how much food you are eating because you lack sleep. But yes, if you did not have enough sleep the night before, it can lead to droopy energy level During the day. Most women turn to food for energy sustenance. Also, if your mind is a bit foggy from lack of sleep, you cannot think sharply and it hinders you from manufacture the right food choices.

So team up with your husband in taking care of your baby. A new born baby do not have a recognition of time and day so they wake up and fret even if it is 3 in the morning. Take turns with your husband whenever your baby frets so you both can have ample sleep.

As soon as you are ready to take on the task of a spoton diet and exercise, you can do so with ease. Preventing weight gain after pregnancy is imperative if you want to be on top shape all the time.

What Causes Weight Gain After Pregnancy?

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