Thursday, March 7, 2013

Home Remedies to prevent Foot Swelling during reproduction

Among the many changes that occur during the pregnancy months of the female is the swelling of feet. The whole feet may swell up, or just some parts like the ankles or the shins may swell.

Swelling of the feet ordinarily starts becoming apparent during the fifth month of the pregnancy, though this time limit can vary from one woman to another. It occurs due to the accumulation of fluids in the feet of the woman. Swelling of the feet can be painful to some women, due to which they may not be able to move about or do their general work as the months pass on. In some women, the swelling of the feet is very temporary; it subsides when the woman takes rest for a while, or massages the feet.

Pregnancy Pillows

This description tells some of the home remedies you can use when pregnant to forestall the swelling of feet.

Home Remedies to prevent Foot Swelling during reproduction

Simple Remedies to forestall and Treat Swelling of Feet during Pregnancy

Home Remedies to prevent Foot Swelling during reproduction

- Drink a lot of water when you are pregnant. You must drink at least six to eight glasses of water per day. Water is the most natural therapy to flush out the excess toxins from the body. Thus, the water will expel all the toxic fluids of the body which would otherwise decide in the feet and cause them to swell. Drinking a lot of water could increase the frequency of urination in pregnant women, but that is authentically a good sign, as urination is a way to expel the wastes from the body.

Pregnancy Pillows

- Avoid remaining in a standing position for long periods of time. This gives direct passage for the fluids to enter into the lower parts of the body and cause the feet to swell up.

- Hot temperatures are not good during pregnancy. Hot temperatures can cut the water content of the body, due to which the proportion of the fluids increase proportionately in the body. Therefore, going out when there is a hot climate must be avoided as much as possible.

- It is a misconception that swelling of feet during pregnancy is caused by immoderate intake of salty foods. Though over-intake of salt is definitely not good, eliminating salt totally from the diet also does not help. Salt must be taken in moderation. The same idea applies to spicy foods also.

- Keep your diet well-balanced. This is very foremost for a pregnant woman. If the diet is deficient in any kind of food, or if the woman takes the wrong kind of food, then there is more chance of undigested toxic wastes accumulating in the body, and causing the feet to swell.

- Do not wear tight trousers or jeans when you are pregnant, as this would increase the pressure on the legs. Instead, you could wear somewhat loose stockings or pantyhose to give good maintain to the feet.

- While sleeping, try to convert your position frequently. Lying in a particular position for a long time will increase the pressure on one side of the body and increase the chances of the feet getting swollen up. You can put some elevated maintain for the feet, such as propping them up on cushions or pillows, so that the fluid does not gather into the feet region.

- Here's a recipe for preventing the swelling of feet during pregnancy. Take two cups of water and add a teaspoonful of palm sugar in it. Add two teaspoons of fennel seeds to it. Boil this mixture, till the volume reduces to half; i.e. Only one cupful of water is left. Drink this compound thrice in a day. It will help protect the feet from getting swollen.

- Add a few tablespoons of coriander in two cups of water. Boil this compound till it reduces to half its quantity, i.e. To one cup. Drink this coriander decoction thrice in a day. It will forestall from swelling of feet during pregnancy. In order to enhance the taste, you can add sugar and milk to it, so that it becomes like a herbal tea.

- The most foremost thing to forestall feet from swelling up during pregnancy is to keep them exercised often. Pregnant women tend to cut their general activities in the fear that it would harm the fetus. But in fact, the opposite is true. Walking for half an hour per day is ideal. Keep your feet inspiring about. This is a very sure way of preventing the accumulation of fluids in the feet.

- While sitting, do not press your legs by crossing them. Keep them free and separated so that there is no undue pressure on them.

Home Remedies to prevent Foot Swelling during reproduction

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

health Benefits of Using a Body Pillow

I use to toss and turn all night. I'd wake up restless and achy. A friend of mine noticed how many pillows I was using to get comfortable and claimed that was part of the problem. Waking up some times a night to move and reposition my pillows was causing a restless night sleep. She suggested I use a body pillow. Genius! It was not hard to find a pillow that offered the support I needed and ultimately get the night sleep I deserved. I soon found out that the benefits of properly supporting my body while at rest were abundant.

First, using a body pillow supports your body during rest. It combines the support of three pillows in one which results in less pillow repositioning and more sleep. No matter what sleep position you prefer it can support you while you sleep, either it is behind you to cradle the back or in front to keep you on your side. Some products are even big enough to curl all the way around you. It's like a minute piece of heaven. Other products are designed for upper body support, some used as a leg wedge and others made for kids. Regardless, you can find the support you need and get a good night sleep.

Pregnancy Pillows

Next, they are recommended by curative doctors to enhance spinal alignment, enhance muscular relaxation, healthier circulation and back pain. After I started using a body pillow I stop going to the chiropractor and starting sleeping better. Before, I'd spend all night forming knots and straining my neck then make quarterly visits to my chiropractor to undo the mess. I concept it was part of getting old and my chiropractor sure did not tell me otherwise. I was amazed how great my body felt after getting the support I needed during rest. A body pillow maintains permissible alignment of the spine, arms and legs. It provides equal support for the shoulders and hips while you shift during the nights. Using one can increase salutary blood circulation, exact breathing and sacrifice snoring as a result. Also, this first-rate bed accessory can alleviate headaches, arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and insomnia.

health Benefits of Using a Body Pillow

Additionally, body pillows are ideal for pregnancy support and perfect nursing pillows. Unfortunately I did not learn this until after my children were born. However, I have been able to share the news with my friends and family and see them advantage from permissible support. The third trimester of pregnancy can be very uncomfortable and looking that right sleep position impossible. Doctors propose that women sleep on their sides, but for those that sleep on their backs it's hard. With a pillow supporting the back an expecting mom can enounce a permissible sleep position as recommended by their doctor. After the baby is born it can be used to support a new mom during nursing. By wrapping the pillow around the body it creates a shelf for the mom to rest her baby during feeding. Best of all, mothers can continue to enjoy extra support after the baby is born.

health Benefits of Using a Body Pillow

For me, the most advantage is the comfort I enjoy from using a body pillow and the support it gives me while at rest. I would encourage everybody to start supporting their sleep position and getting a restful night sleep.

Pregnancy Pillows

health Benefits of Using a Body Pillow

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Easy and straightforward Things to Help You Get Pregnant Faster

Have you been trying to get pregnant but don't seem to be succeeding? Are you wondering if there is whatever that could give you insight as to how you could get pregnant faster and without medication? Well this report is exactly what you are finding for. Read on to find out about the things to help you get pregnant faster.

The first thing to do is to get a suitable checkup when you and your partner settle to have a child. This will give you an insight into the areas that may pose a problem while trying to get pregnant.

Pregnancy Pillows

The second thing to help you get pregnant is to frame out when you are ovulating so that you could time your sexual intercourse. This increases the chances of getting pregnant. If you do not know the exact days of your ovulation, you may miss out on the chance of getting pregnant that month. When you are ovulating the odds are high that the sperm would reach the eggs.

Easy and straightforward Things to Help You Get Pregnant Faster

Although it is advised to have sex only once in 48 hours, another thing to help you get pregnant faster would be to ask your husband to ejaculate once every two or three days. This is very important for men as this helps them to keep up their sperm supply.

Easy and straightforward Things to Help You Get Pregnant Faster

Another aspect that will help getting pregnant is to say a wholesome life style. This goes for both men and women. Not only will it help in you getting pregnant faster, it also affects the capability and health of your offspring.

Pregnancy Pillows

One more thing to help you get pregnant faster is to pick the right position while having sexual intercourse. The so calling missionary position is said to be the best while you are trying to get pregnant.

Another important point to note is to enjoy your sex life. Do not have intercourse with the ordeal that you have to get pregnant because then there is so much tension while having sexual intercourse that sometimes it may succeed in counter productivity.

One more important thing to help you get pregnant faster is the elimination of stress in your day to day life. Try to be happy and calm all the time. Due to this women may stop menstruating.

You must also stop consumption of alcohol and drugs. Quit smoking if you are a smoker. Also do not use lubricants and medication while having sex or even after that.

Take your time in bed. There is no hurry to get out and rush to the bathroom. You could also try putting a pillow under your hips after sexual intercourse to preclude sperm leakage. Also ask your husband or partner to keep his testicles fulfilled, as heat can cause the death of sperms.

These are a few things to help you get pregnant faster. However not always is the possibility of getting pregnant faster in our hands. So the best thing we can do is to do all things right.

Easy and straightforward Things to Help You Get Pregnant Faster

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sex Positions to Get Pregnant With either Baby Gender

If you're trying to conceive, approved wisdom will tell you to use deep penetration with a pillow propped underneath your hips at a obvious fertile time of the month and to cap off the process with your legs elevated for up to twenty minutes.  This process is meant to place the sperm as close as inherent to the egg, giving it less time to come to be compromised and deteriorated.  This is good guidance is you want a boy baby, but bad guidance if you want a girl.  In this article, I'll clarify how and which sexual positions increase your chances of becoming pregnant with the gender that you want.

It All Comes Down To The Race For The Egg: The surmise that sexual positions come into play is because, in order to get pregnant, your egg must be successfully fertilized with a vital, healthy, X or Y sperm chromosome.  An X chromosome will get you a son and a Y chromosome will get you a daughter. However, several things can delay or keep this process from happening. 

Pregnancy Pillows

To get pregnant, you'll need to conceive at the right time.  And, to get the gender that you want, you'll need to conceive in the right way.  X and Y sperm behave like polar opposites.  The boy sperm are fast and puny and the girl sperm are slow but strong.  This is leading to remember as you are putting together your view regimen.  Sexual positions are an leading part of this regimen because the positions that you use will whether place the sperm closer or additional away from the egg - giving the dissimilar sperm chromosomes an entirely dissimilar touch (and a great chance) of producing a male or female baby.

Sex Positions to Get Pregnant With either Baby Gender

Why Shallow Penetration Favors A Girl Baby: X sperm can live for days without being compromised.  So, it's advisable to conceive in the early part of your fertility window if you want a female baby.  The X sperm can afford to wait colse to and shallow sexual positions work well for this by placing sperm additional away from it's final destination.

Sex Positions to Get Pregnant With either Baby Gender

Examples of applicable positions are the former missionary style, spooning, and female on top using operate and being aware of what is trying to be achieved.

Pregnancy Pillows

Why Deep Penetration Is More Likely To yield A Boy: Again, the Y sperm are very vulnerable to just about bad thing that can happen to them.  That's why it's advisable to conceive a boy on the day of ovulation - because these guys can't afford to wait. Using deep penetration will give them a quicker trip and will ensure that they don't have that far to travel.

Examples of these are rear entry and a dissimilarity of the missionary style with the woman's legs greatly elevated to originate an upward angle.  whether of these can be helped by placing a pillow underneath your hips.

Other Steps Are Necessary:  In order to have the best odds of success (and if you do all correctly, the success rate can be over 90%), you'll need to get your timing right.  You'll need a trustworthy way to predict your ovulation to accomplish this.  I like saliva predictors as they are cheap, reliable, and reusable. Again, early view for a girl and late view for a boy.

You'll also need to know what kind of environment that the sperm reaches once it enters your reproductive tract.  It can be whether acidic or alkaline. An acidic environment can mean the end of boy sperm, while an alkaline Ph is much more kindly to them. So, if you want a daughter, you'll want to raise your Ph.  And, if you want a son, you will need to lower it (often dramatically.)

There are tools to make this easier. You can test yourself with Ph strips.  And, you can make the changes that are needed to lower or raise by eating a low or high Ph diet and / or by douching with solutions based on how high or how low you were (recipes are often available).  What positively takes the guess work out of this is lasting to test as you join the diet and the douching.  You can see how speedily this is all working and when you are at the level you need to conceive the gender that you want (using the correction positions, of course.)

Sex Positions to Get Pregnant With either Baby Gender

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Acid Reflux While Pregnant - Tips to deal with Heartburn while pregnancy Every Mom Should Know

If you've been pregnant before (or currently expecting), the most annoying thing that happened during pregnancy (aside from morning sickness) is probably acid reflux. This report will discuss briefly on the coarse cause of acid reflux while pregnant and some beneficial tips to relief the pain. After reading this article, you'll be able to help to ease your heartburn during pregnancy.

Common Cause Of Acid Reflux While Pregnant

Pregnancy Pillows

There are many causes for acid reflux during pregnancy. One of them is caused by the increase of hormones which will cause the valve that is windup the stomach acid to loosen up and allowing acid to flow up to your throat. an additional one cause of the heartburn pain is the growing baby inside your body will add more pressure to your stomach, which finally will force the stomach acid to flow up to your esophagus.

Acid Reflux While Pregnant - Tips to deal with Heartburn while pregnancy Every Mom Should Know

Tips For Treating Acid Reflux While Pregnant

Acid Reflux While Pregnant - Tips to deal with Heartburn while pregnancy Every Mom Should Know

Given the coarse cause above, it's pretty much impossible to stop acid reflux by adjusting the hormone level or stopping the increase of the unborn baby. However there are 5 things that you can do to ease the heartburn pain:

Pregnancy Pillows

Avoid foods and drinks that triggers acid reflux at all cost, this includes spicy foods, acidic fruits, alcohol, carbonated and caffeinated drinks. Eat several meals a day, instead of the normal 3 times daily, and try to eat them slowly. Doing this will help to minimize the pressure on your stomach. Try to sound a cheap weight. Obesity will only worsen your condition as it will add the pressure on the abdomen. Try consulting to your doctor on your optimum body weight. Keep a exact posture at all times. When you're sleeping, it's recommended to adjust the pillow so that your head is 6-8 inch higher than your abdomen. When you're sitting, try to sit in an upright chair. When bending over, try bending at the knees instead of your waist, as this will sacrifice the pressure on your waist. Wear loose clothes, because tight clothes will only add pressure to your stomach and cause heartburn.
Acid reflux while pregnant is very irritating for most women. Luckily, after reading this report you should already know what causes it and how to treat it. Apply what you learn in this report and help yourself and other pregnant women to overcome the heartburn pain!

Acid Reflux While Pregnant - Tips to deal with Heartburn while pregnancy Every Mom Should Know

Friday, February 22, 2013

I Can't Get Pregnant With a Boy Baby - Tips and advice That May Help You Conceive a Son

I'm generally emailed from couples who believe that they are unable to conceive one gender over an additional one either because girls or boys run in their family, or because, in the past, they've only been able to conceive one definite gender. (For example, they have a house full of girls, but no boys.) Yesterday, I received such an email from a very nice woman who basically asked: "I have conceived three girls and I love them with all my heart, but this time around, I literally want to conceive a boy and give my husband a son. Is this potential since I seem predisposed to conceiving girls?"

I responded that it is very possible. Using the right techniques and tools, there is no fancy you can't conceive either gender. If girls run in your family or you believe that you are unable to conceive a boy, there are a few things that we can look at and change to greatly growth your odds of a son. I will discuss these things below.

Pregnancy Pillows

Why You May Be Predisposed To Conceiving Girls: Natural gender choice literally comes down to one thing - which sperm chromosome makes it to and fertilizes the egg first. If you keep getting pregnant with girls, either the cards of fate could be dealing you daughters or, there may be a definite fancy that the X sperm chromosomes (which produces baby girls) keeps winning out.

I Can't Get Pregnant With a Boy Baby - Tips and advice That May Help You Conceive a Son

There are basically three variables that decide either the X or the Y chromosome win: the timing of your conception; the sexual positions that you use to conceive, and the Ph / acidity of the mother. In my experience, most women who have been unable to conceive a boy typically have a high Ph. This scenario will greatly favor girls because boy or Y sperm can not survive in an acidic environment. Many times, I've seen women drastically change their Ph and then be able to get a boy baby. I'll discuss these variables - one by one - below.

I Can't Get Pregnant With a Boy Baby - Tips and advice That May Help You Conceive a Son

A Look At The Calendar For A Baby Boy Conception: I often have people email me and ask what part of the month is best to conceive a son. When I make mention of the timing of the month corresponding with a time in a woman's fertility cycle, I'm sometimes met with a bit of confusion. I know it sounds very basic, and please bear with me if you already know this, but what the calendar says literally doesn't matter. What ultimately matters is when you conceive in relation to when you ovulate.

Pregnancy Pillows

If you are trying to conceive a male, it is vital that you do not try to conceive too early. As I've alluded to before, boy sperm are weak by nature. This is not anything that you did wrong. It is just the characteristic that nature gave the Y sperm to equilibrium things out. To compensate for this, the boy sperm are also very fast, which you can use to your advantage.

For a baby boy conception, you'll need to conceive on the day of ovulation. And, if you've had trouble with this, ask yourself how well the ovulation prediction methods you've used in the past have worked. I firmly believe that techniques which require guessing (rhythm method, basal temperature, and cervical mucus charting) should be abandoned for methods that spell it out for you with more accuracy - like saliva or urine ovulation predictors. (I prefer saliva over urine since you can test at any time and you can reuse the saliva models.)

Consider Changing The Sexual Positions That You've Been Using To Conceive: Remembering that the boy sperm are weak, you need to use sexual positions that place the sperm as close to it's intended destination as you can. This means deeper penetration. Often, I find that couples will try to conceive using the intercourse positions that worked to get them pregnant the last time. This is fine if gender is not important to you, but if you want a boy, use rear entry or positions in which the woman angles and elevates her legs to allow for a deeper deposit. Using a pillow under your pelvic area can help also.

It's All About Your Acidity: Of these three variables, I believe that this is the most important one. I truly believe that if you've only conceived girls in the past, the first culprit that you should check is your Ph. Boy sperm will speedily deteriorate and die off if your Ph is too high and checking this is as easy as getting Ph testing strips and then conducting the test as directed. This will tell you very speedily if you are naturally acidic (and most women are, but women prone to conceiving girls are ordinarily even more so.)

Don't be discouraged if this bears true for you, because you can change your level with a bit of diligence. There are basically two ways to go about this, but if your reading is very high and you want fast results, reconsider using both methods at once. You can either go on an alkaline / low Ph diet or douche with solutions meant to lower your Ph. There are food lists and douche recipes that can outline this. Baking soda is ordinarily not enough. I know it's very generally used, but if you use baking soda and then use the testers again, you'll ordinarily see that your reading did not change all that dramatically. What ordinarily does bring about the most dramatic changes is using the the douching and diet as sort of a one / two punch, used aggressively at the same time.

I know this can seem overwhelming, but it doesn't need to be. Use the tools ready to you and coming this very methodically, addressing each changeable until you're at the level or at the timing you need to ultimately conceive your son.

I Can't Get Pregnant With a Boy Baby - Tips and advice That May Help You Conceive a Son

Monday, February 18, 2013

fertilization Sex Positions - The Best Sex Positions To Use while fertilization

Pregnancy is a time when couples will have problems using the usual positions for sex. When these positions can't be used because of the baby's increase inside the womb, the male will not be able to penetrate easily. The woman too will not be as flexible as she used to be. So there are obvious alterations that are needed with the sex positions.

It should be understood that the couple should still enjoy sex unless it's a contraindication because of a high risk pregnancy. Some of the common sex positions that will help the couple to enjoy sex despite the pregnancy are listed here.

Pregnancy Pillows

1. Sitting. The sitting position is the safest position when the couple is having sex. The male can sit on a chair and the woman can sit over him. In this position, the woman will be able to hold the weight of the belly and also of the uterus over her legs as she sits on the male. This is not only a safe position, but also a very intimate one.

fertilization Sex Positions - The Best Sex Positions To Use while fertilization

2. Doggy Style. This is the position in which the woman is on her knees and hands, her belly is supported by pillows that take the weight too. The male will be able to enter the woman from the back. This is one of the best positions which will be safe and also comfortable for the pregnant woman.

fertilization Sex Positions - The Best Sex Positions To Use while fertilization

3. From The Side. This is an additional one safe position for sex when the woman is pregnant. Even a big belly can be supported by the surface, when the woman is lying down. This allows the woman to be able to enjoy sex while the male enters whether from the back or from the front.

Pregnancy Pillows

4. General Lying. This is also a good position for sex during pregnancy. The pregnant woman lies on her back facing the man. The man is not directly above her. Instead, as the woman bends her knee and pulls her leg inwards, her vagina is exposed and the man enters her. This is a very safe position because there is no excess stress on the back of the woman. The belly is also supported. To make the penetration better and to have a magical time, a pillow can be added to the back of the woman to hold her.

These are some of the sex positions that you can use during pregnancy. Sex can still be passionate and challenging while pregnant, it just requires a small adjustment to the common positions that you usually use.

fertilization Sex Positions - The Best Sex Positions To Use while fertilization